AGM report and Year End Barbeque

We  had the AGM 16th November starting late  ( 8.10 pm, )

Dennis has asked to step aside from the role of President, however there has been no volunteers or conscripts as yet to fill the vacancy. Therefore the status quo shall remain until further notice.

Our Financial report from the Chairman/treasurer was well received and we have sufficient funds in hand to pledge a significant sum to the Blues Bikes BBQ  event planned for March, date to be confirmed.

All incumbent committee members were returned by acclimation and special thanks to Eric for taking up the challenge of manning the website.

Jambeque is set for Sunday 1st Feb. 2015 ., to be confirmed, thanks to Dave and Judy once again. Please watch for updates.

Year end barbeque is on 10th December at the Pons. Bring some food and a guitar or two.



Meeting closed when the Jam got loud.

Posted in General